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Butterflies fly to anywhere they please, as if it were a kind of messengers of nature, not only to add sparkle to the environment, but also to pollinate flowers and reveal the health of our communities. Historically, the butterflies have been revered in the art and tradition, but in other respects have been ignored. Today, however, we are beginning to realize the many benefits offered by these little creatures of wildlife.
mariposasEl paper butterflies is important in our natural world, they are a major source of food for other species and are important to the process of pollination of plants. If plants are not pollinated, the seeds and the fruits are not produced. For acute or relatively abundant sensitivity to pesticides and toxins, their presence, diverse, it indicates the general welfare of our ecosystems. In this sense the message is simple: a healthy community usually has a large number and variety of species of butterflies, a contaminated or altered community does not.
Observing the flight of butterflies ranks high among our pleasures in the open air, like when we observe birds and wildflowers. The aesthetic appeal of these winged creatures is even more significant when we realize that butterflies do not bite, they do not bite or carry disease. To most people like to see a butterfly fluttering among the flowers or passing through a garden, but often do not think of this creature, apparently carefree, is carrying out a mission of life and death. Each butterfly must meet the nutrient, either from the nectar of flowers or from other sources, supporting herself enough to find a mate, and if female, to produce and lay eggs too. During this mission, they are pollinating the flowers they visit, the pollen of a flower, for example of a daisy, adhere to the butterfly. When you visit a second margarita, pollen from the first flower is transferred to the second and so the flowers can continue playing. Although flowers can be pollinated by other creatures, such as insects or wind, lots of flowers are designed to be more efficient pollinated by the visit of a butterfly.
How "butterfly" it is said in different languages?
Butterfly reina¿Te ever wondered how "butterfly" is said in different languages? Butterflies are so beautiful, elegant, charming and moving creatures, it is not surprising that many people feel interested in them. Even its name evokes a sense of charm and warmth, at the word butterfly naturally think of something mythical, magical and special.
Let's start with the English language, which are known as butterfly. Some people believe that butterflies got that name because their wings seem to have a soft texture like butter and they fly. Others suggest that because many are of a yellow color that suggests butter.
In French, the word "butterfly" is translated as "papillon". Have you ever seen the breed of dog known as Papillon? If you see a dog like this from behind, no doubt you will see that their long and full ears as well as the markings on these, resemble a butterfly with outstretched wings.
In the Filipino language, "paruparo" means butterfly. In Portugal people call them "borboleta", while in Spain, Mexico and other Spanish-speaking countries, they are known as "butterfly".
In Germany, calls this "schmetterling" meaning charming and lyrical. The Italian translation is very nice, there they call "farfalla".
Those who speak Romanian know the butterfly as "fluture" and those living in Lithuania the point as the beautiful "drugelis", whereas if Danish is spoken, then your name is "sommerfug".
Here are some fun facts about butterflies.
azul1 butterfly. Butterflies vary in size from very small with only 1/8 of an inch to almost 12 inches.
2. Butterflies can see the red, green and yellow.
3. Some people say that when black bands are wide Woolybear caterpillar means a cold winter approaches.
4. The maximum speed reached most butterflies is 12 miles per hour, but some can fly 25 miles per hour.
5. The monarch butterfly travels from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico, at a distance of about 2,000 kilometers, and spring back north again.
6. Butterflies can not fly if their body temperature is below 86 degrees.
7. In Thebes, found Egyptian depictions of butterflies dating from 3500 years ago.
8. Antarctica is the only continent on which these creatures have not been found.
9. There are about 24,000 species of butterflies and 140 000 species of moths.
10. The Brimstone butterfly (Gonepteryx Gonepterix) has the longest record of life among adult butterflies can live 9-10 months.
11. Some moth caterpillars of the species Psychidae build a cocoon around themselves that they always carry. Usually they do with silk and plant fragments.
12. The caterpillars of some moths Pyralidae or snout (Pyralididae) live in or on aquatic plants.
13. Females of some species of moths are wingless, all they can do is crawl to move.
14. Sphinx Morgan, Madagascar, moth has a proboscis with a size of 12 to 14 inches long to get nectar from the bottom of an orchid discovered by Charles Darwin.
15. Some moths never eat as adults because they have no mouth. They must live off the energy stored while being tracked.
16. Many butterflies examine plant leaves with his legs to see if it is good to lay eggs in them, making sure that serve food or not for future tracks.
17. butterflies and other insects have their skeletons on the outside of their bodies, called exoskeleton. This protects and keeps the water inside their bodies to keep them from drying.
There are many different things that come to mind when we think of the monkeys, and often are seen as cute and smart. There are many different species, with its own characteristics in terms of size, color, location, and even their abilities. They are known to be good caring for their young and even have some humanistic movements.
monosLos monkeys are very vocal animals, and this is his way of communicating with each other. There are different tones to warn of the danger, call a partner, and even to communicate with their young. Although communication of monkeys has been studied, there is still much we do not yet know.
There are 264 species known in the world of monkeys, they are often included with the apes, but are very different. The main difference is that apes do not have tails. There are two categories, monkeys of the New World and Old World monkeys. It is believed to spread through the evolution about 40 million years ago.
They can be very small or very large animals depending on the species, and can perform tricks quickly, both in captivity and in their natural environment. Her eyes are facing forward and have flat nose, also they have opposable thumbs that help them with climbing and movement in the trees. His fingers are structured similarly to the way humans. They are known for using tools too, like sticks and stones, they can even be used to collect leaves and drinking water.
Monkeys are like humans in many ways, for example, they seem to have many of the same emotions within their groups. They can show love, anger, sadness, mourn the loss of loved ones, and even laugh. They can do with a smile on their faces, which often makes observers wonder what they are doing.
The monkeys also have their own unique set of fingerprints, as well as humans. This is very interesting, and it shows that we're really related to all primates in the world. Apes have a large brain for its size, and this is part of the reason why they are so smart.
The future is uncertain for many species of monkeys. The combination of habitat destruction and loss of food have created a profound toll on their populations. Hunting by humans, and even keep them as exotic pets has also resulted in many young monkeys being removed from their natural habitat.
earbolExisten vervet monkey in places where monkeys are killed because they seem to be a hassle. The villagers are killed because monkeys crops have been planted, some in many areas also consume the meat of monkeys eat.
The intelligence of monkeys has allowed them to be trained as service animals for the elderly and disabled, they have also been part of programs developed, such as training to go into space. Controversy exists with these primates used in laboratory experiments.
Despite conservation efforts, there is still no way to know if many species have the help they need for their ultimate survival. The monkeys seem to do well in captivity, that is why they are part of many zoos and conservation sites. People come to see them in such places as the monkeys can be very entertaining.
Breeding programs are also part of conservation efforts to help many species to get their growing populations. Hopefully many of them may one day be successfully released back into the wild.
Some curious and fun facts about the monkeys
There are about 15,000 monkeys as pets in the US ..
Monkeys do not eat banana peels.
two monkeys asicalandoseEl male howler monkey can produce sounds that can be heard 10 miles away. This species is found in South America.
Apes do not have tails, like gorillas (they are part of the family of apes).
Monkeys can get angry very easily, yawn when they are angry.
The baboon is the largest mono (47 inches long and weighs 90 pounds).
The pygmy marmoset is the smallest monkey, measuring about 5-10 centimeters high, and weighs about 5 ounces.
There are about 125 species of monkeys.
Monkey species are divided into two major groups of primates, monkeys of the New World (Central and South America) and Old World monkeys (Africa, Asia, and some of Europe). Most species of monkeys are part of the group of Old World monkeys.
The main difference between the monkeys of the New World and Old World monkeys is their nose. The New World monkeys have flat and wide.
Some species of New World monkeys are: marmosets, squirrel monkeys, golden lion, howler monkey, owl, spider monkey and the monkey Saki.
Some species of Old World monkeys are: rhesus monkey, Japanese monkey, baboons, gibbons and baboons.
The Apes grouping includes the following: chimpanzee, gorilla and orangutan.
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